Monday, 13 February 2012


A lot has changed in a few weeks.

The guy I spoke about in the other post? We're together now and its amazing! We go to different schools so I don't get to see him often, but that means we actually make the effort, and when we do see eachother its even more special!
The only downside is that his bestfriend is the one person in the world that I have an actual hatred for, and he feels the same about me.

Anyway, my birthday was on Saturday and it was amazing! Got to spend the day with Maddy+Caitlin and then a few of my closest friends came round at the nightime for a party, was brilliant!
And I'm going to New York on Thursday! Excitement isnt the word!

Will post again soon xx

 "To be loved, and to have loved, is to live life to the fullest."
- William Blake